Autobiography of a true lamer, by a true lamer..
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Chapter 3
Sec 2 life....

Sec 2, my life of laming truly began. As i was now well established in the school as a pro lamer, I started since the beginning of the year. However, the greatest thing i did that year was not a lame thing, it was a truly great thing, or two truly great things.

The first of the two was to start my soccer carreer, i was first introduced to the sport in Sec 1, but in sec 2 i became almost addicted to it, almost but not yet, my greatest hobby is still to lame. I once seen soccer as a sport played only by Yalams, those cocky M***Ys that think they very big. This thinking was caused when i was in primary school. Soccer then was a malay dominated game as chinese plays basketball then. But a great event in my P6 year changed everything....... One day while i was playing basketball, with my friends, the ball striked my hand at such an angle and speed and strength that my arm was fractured. Since F=MA and K.E. =1/2mv^2, the power was great. I recovered from it but i lost much control and coordination of my hands, i could no longer control the basketball well. Therefore, i switched to a sport which does not require any usage of arms, Soccer.

That was the first of the two important events, the more important one i shall tell later..... next time.... next chapter.... till then, this is Emperor of Huang from Emperor of Huang, the man and his words,signing off........


Autobiography of a true lamer, by a true lamer..
Friday, October 15, 2004
Chapter 2
Life in sec 1

Time flies and i soon found myself in 1J...The lamest class in the history of AHS so far. With me, Soh, Qx and many others we could contest the whole school to a bout on lamenest. I of course is the king of lamest, but i assure you that it is not easy to get that name in the very competitive 1J.

In the first term, i was almost non-asistance in the class, tt time i was humji as i was the only one from my primary school that came into this school, in a foreign place by myself, i dare not lame so much. But as time goes by, my laming skill was returned to me, i became more and more lame. Laming on every occasion i can.

I remember on one occasion that proved it all, one day, by luck i found a rubber band on the floor, my lamenest immidietely made me tear up some foolscap paper and load it onto the rubber band. I pulled it and released my shot, it flew straight and hit Kok the pariah straight in his head. Head shot. many people witnessed this lame event and became too inspired by my lameness. Soon, paper bullets were flying everywhere in every direction. But i did a great mistake, one day, as i was trying the amazing feat produced with my first shot... the bullet flew straight, it was on target, but just as the bullet was about to touch Kok's head, he bent down and the bullet flew past him, out the window and right at the feet of ms loh. The was of 1J had ended. " only the one who began the war could end it." and i proved it.

There were of course many other incidents. The most important of all is the proclaimation of the Huang Dynasty in to the LOK(league of kingdoms). Huang has been porclaimed independent. it was 27/7/2002, no one in Huang will ever forget that date, where the Huang glory began.

Time flies and as and established lamer, i became the chief lamer in the class, i and Soh became ultimate lamers, with dozens of lamers beneathe us. The sec 1 year soon passed.......


Autobiography of a true lamer, by a true lamer..
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Chapter I
the lamer till sec 1

Mr Lenin Akhilesh Wahpekate kiyoshi Wong, me, a true lamer from birth had always been lame.

let my story begin.

Born in malaysia, raised in Singapore, at the time of birth, clowns and jokers all around the world was said to have sensed the birth of me, the king of jokers. I was lame since young, very young.

When i was in primary school, i already made my name in the school for being one of the best lamers. At that time, my laming skills were still not very good and still depended on occasions to bring out the lameness in me. I remember one incidence particularly well, the incident of the tadpole catchers.

My friend in a malaysia school where i was still studying in was the prefect, at that time the craze in our school seemed to be catching tadpoles at the lonkang behind the main building and fatefully, my friend was assigned to catch them. Haha. I as his friend started laming and soon gave him many plans to catch them, haha... including one that actually worked! That incident started to bring out the lameness in me and me and my family soon shifted to a better place to cultivate my lameness, Singapore.

Once i arrived at Sing, i went into a fateful Coral PRimary, which was then just started. I was one of the brigtest in the school. Soon, i had a great reputation in the school,both good and bad, i was both the 'most frequet law breaker' and 'top student'. haha.with my friends, we wrestled everyday at void decks, challenging yalams, and thrashing them. I was also involved in several incidents which involves making the head prefect cry. Soon, my three years in tt sch ended and with a aggregate of 246 i went into AHS where is where i am now.

Once i was there, i started laming... how i lame..... i would tell you in my next chapter...


the war of the clans
Saturday, October 02, 2004
War of the clans.

The war of the clans are beginning, the 3H plane is now spilt into two clans, namely the joker clan and the k Clan.

The joker clan(JC) consist of many heroes, including The Emperor of Huang, Pornstar shukit and lazydog nehneh. and of course Jiesheng. haha...The people in JC are of course jokers who are true jokers.

The KC of course is the KP ppl in the plane. Everyday only know how to KP ppl, act big and boss around. Mostly consist of sports players who think they are a class higher than us. What they know not is that generally, onli ppl hu got in wif gd results and not with sport performances are respected.

Recently, A certain Kc member( The one folding his arms every lesson and giving a TL face), had disturbed one of the JC elites. This had caused many unhapiness in the class and the class therefore start to come apart. "The Kc had started it, and this cannot be tolerated. IN which way are they better than us, the normal ppl. They want to Kp also cannot KP better than us, the Jc. Do they have no shame, do they want to have war. If the answer is yes, we are ready to fight," a Jc spokesman said.

Even more recently, as the post exams looms, the class or the KP supporters organized a class chalet, and the JC members are not invited, JC of course is unhappy and therefore organized thier own, making the KC more TL. So TL until they tried to make it up with the Jc, or so they proclaim. "We shall not make peace with them, we are the light while they are the darkness. We shall not make peace with unpeaceful ppls, they are terrorists to be removed at all costs and ways. WE shall have war and we shall win," A Jc spokesman said, in respond to thier so called 'apology'

However, the spark to start the war is still not present, and therefore the war is still on hold.... till when i dunno.... the war is starting soon, i could feel it....


A dream of the Golden Islands(part two)

you would wonder, how am i suppose to get money for so much gold and how do i travel between the islands.
I have my ways of course.

To get the money, i would of course use my Tyco technicque, which is a very difficult technicque that little people could master, to master this technicque, you have to be ultra tyco, and once i am ultra tyco, the money would come to me without effort. After i built the islands , i would offer tours of my islands to the ultra rich people of the world, showing them how to live like a real zillionairem, like me. I would charge them 500million US$ per trip to my three islands, and earn money that way. After all, after i get onto the island, i would not have any expenses, all my electricity would come from the sun while all the food i eat i would hire people to grow fro me, and pay them in H$ which would by then be the world currency. And H$ would of course be printed by me...haha....

To travel around the islands i would use my golden plane and golden ships....haha.......


A dream of the Golden islands.

Haha...JH here...lost password for last create new one....haha.....
ok.... as i was crappin, lamin, slackin and sleepin in class, i fell upon this dream, the dream where i would be so rich that i would own three islands. Where the islands are, i know not. Lolz.... there is more, the islandswould be of course named the golden islands by me, each covered with tonnes of gold. Let me introduce the three islands.haha...

THe first island
the island of the golden wealth.

This island would be my island of residence, where i would have my great Golden palace, half the size of the island. with 88888888 rooms each serving a different function. The walls and ceilings would be made of solid gold, reinforced by columns of diamand, while the floor would be tiled with the most precious of tiles, each one designed and made by reknowned artist. My lights would be ornamented with all kinds of rare jewels, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, you name them, i'ould haf em. I would dine daily on healthy yet rare food, i would eat the rarest of meats, rarest of Ginseng, rarest of the thousand year chinese herbs. I would also live the ricest of lives, challenging lamers all over the world the see who is lamer than me. I would also hire jokers, to provide me with different jokes everyday. Outside my Golden palace, i would have a river to prevent others from entering my palace, the river would contain not water but mercury, and i shall name it moonriver. further out, i would have my stadium, a 1000000-seater, and have my own team, Manhope United, and compete in the EPL. The stadium would, like my residence, be made of solid gold. Other than that i would also have many other luxuries that i now had not dreamt of.

The second island
the island of the golden heart

This island would be the largest amongst the three, the size of greenland, and it would only have one building, a huge temple, so huge that it would be able to allow all who aspire to learn buddhism stay in it. The temple would be carved out of a Gargantuan piece of soild Gold that was smelted together before shipping here. It would be carved by the finest of craftmens. I would also have ultra large gongs and buddhist instruments so that i could hear buddhist music every day, calming my soul. I would also send many monks to all parts of the world to spread buddhism on silver boats, converting as many as possible to buddhism so we could all attain nirvana together.

The third island
the island of the golden life

This island would contain also just another building, the animals containment zone, the building would be so large that it would contain many animals from all over the world. The building would be split in a way that different computers would control the climate in each of the sectors, so all types of animals from any area would be able to co-exist in it.

That is all i dreamed..... the dream would be continued afther the exams....




Wong. Diego Wong
Coral Pri, Anglican High,Victoria JC, Jedi Academy


#1Play in World cup group stage
#2play in world cup round of 16
#3play in world cup quarter finals
#4play in world cup semi finals
#5play in world cup finals
#6win the world cup
#7Own a Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder


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